DPSG #StandsWithUkraine
Trigger warning // war: The following statement is about war. This can be stressful or re-traumatising. You can find help at the end of the statement.
Nothing justifies war!
As the German Scout Association Saint Georg (DPSG) and as scouts, we condemn the Russian government's war of aggression against Ukraine and its people in the strongest possible terms! Together with our allies of the German Scout Federation (rdp) we have made this clear. We stand in solidarity with the Ukrainians and all people in the world who are fleeing war and violence at this moment and are urgently seeking protection.
Russia's war against Ukraine and the oppressive situation in Europe affect us deeply and the humanitarian consequences are of great concern to us. Millions of people – including thousands of children, youth and young people – are fleeing Ukraine as we speak, leaving everything behind in complete uncertainty. The majority of Ukrainian men* are currently not allowed to leave Ukraine and are obliged by their government to stay. Millions are currently lacking shelter, warmth, water, food and accommodation – and much more. [1] At the same time, thousands of Russians demonstrating against their government's war and for peace in Ukraine are being arrested – including even children. [2]
We call for solidarity and demand an immediate end to all violence and war against Ukraine! We call on the Russian government to recognise the territorial sovereignty of Ukraine and to uphold human rights in Ukraine and Russia!
As scouts we stand shoulder to shoulder with the Ukrainian scouts of the NOSU (National Organization of the Scouts of Ukraine). Like NOSU, various young people are working in many non-violent ways towards peace, human rights and democracy in Ukraine and Europe. They act as major players within Europe, working for more peace and against war in Europe and the whole world. As scouts we stand up for these young people and show our solidarity with them. "A peaceful future can only be achieved together with the young generation." This is the firmly held belief of the German Federal Youth Council (DBJR) as well as ours! [3]
Many of you are already involved in several ways: you demonstrate, you provide local support, you organise accommodation, you collect donations and much more. You make it clear: Scouting means actively standing up for peace, freedom and human rights. Your commitment gives us and everyone in Europe hope!
How can we as the DPSG help? Together with our board members, we are working intensively on providing information, material as well as offers for help, both on site and beyond. The focus should also be on supporting children and young people in and outside of our association in coping with this worrying situation. Therefore, keep an eye on our social media channels, dpsg.de and our newsletter, where we will inform you regularly in the upcoming days and weeks. You can already find some information on how to support us on the website of the German Scout Federation (rdp). Please note that you should first inform yourselves in detail before you take action. Check the sources and find out where help is really needed and which offers already exist that you can support.
Thank you for your help and commitment!
Yours in scouting
Annka, Joschka und Matthias
(Board of the DPSG)
1 UNICEF: Ukraine: Fragen und Antworten zur Situation der Kinder und zum UNICEF-Einsatz (01.03.2022, Katharina Kesper)
2 VICE World News: Russian Police Arrested 5 Children for Carrying Anti-War Signs (02.03.2022, Dipo Faloyin)
3 Deutscher Bundesjungendring: Bundesjugendring an der Seite des Ukrainischen Jugendrings (22.02.2022, DBJR)